One Letter Abbreviation for the Day of the Week

If you use single letters to represent the day of the week, you will run into problems with Sunday/Saturday and Tuesday/Thursday. There is a standard way of representing the days of the week which solves this problem. Day Code Sunday U Monday M Tuesday T Wednesday W...

Gigabytes of Free Books from Microsoft!!!

Once again, Microsoft is giving away gigabytes of free books. Eric Ligman (Microsoft Director of Sales Excellence Blog) announced on July 11 that even more books than last year are freely available. If Microsoft is trying to gain loyalty by giving away free stuff, its...

A Better Error Page on the Canada Immigration Site

Tonight during the historic US election, the Canadian Immigration site ( was down. I’m sure it had nothing to do with Americans trying to leave their country and move to Canada in light of the imminent Trump victory. The following ASP.NET error...

Setup Emergency Alerts !important

I’ve compiled a list of important emergency alerts that should be on your cell phone and Twitter accounts. These can be found on the EmergencyInfoBC web site, but I summarized the important data to use with your devices for receiving these alerts. Two of these...

A Terse Guide to Big Numbers

When I started my adventure in computers in school in the 1980’s, we were using Apple II’s and Commodore Pets which had around 64K of memory. My first computer in 1984 had 128K memory and a 360K floppy disk drive, which seemed like quite a bit of storage...

The Ultimate Error Message

I recently spoke with a user who was having problems with one of my web sites. He claimed to be getting an error message that said, “it doesn’t work”. Of course, Apache and IIS do not return messages like that and there is no custom message on my...