I’m always looking for better ways to do things and I’ve spent some time thinking about how I can make blog posts an easier task. It’s not really a difficult thing to do, but the editor that comes with WordPress really isn’t that great. Web-based editors tend to be slow and sluggish.
I did a Google search for a WordPress client and found a large number of blog editors available for Windows. After trying a few of them, I decided to use Microsoft’s product, Windows Live Writer. The software is in beta still but I haven’t experienced any problems with it, other than it crashing a few times but I’m running Windows so these things are to be expected. 🙂
Windows Live Writer can post directly to Windows Live Spaces or to any blog that uses Really Simple Discovery, the Metaweblog API, and the Movable Type API. This allows it to work with Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, and WordPress.
The advantage of posting to your blog with this application as opposed to using your blog’s web-based editor is speed. The editor is very responsive and you can easily add links, pictures, or maps from Microsoft Virtual Earth. The pictures can be uploaded to a specific folder in your blog by FTP. I like this feature because I place images by the month and year of the blog post.
You can switch to HTML view by pressing the F12 key, and switch back to editor view by pressing F11. I normally edit the HTML to add the Google Adsense code after the first paragraph. A preview of how the blog will actually look in your web site can also be seen.
Windows Live Writer has the standard functions that are typical with editors, such as making text bold, changing colour, and making bullets. Of course, there is a spell checker for peeple whu haf trubel speling. A grammar checker would be nice, but you can always drop your blog post into Microsoft Word for that.
I recommend this program for people who want to become probloggers. You will probably make more posts with this software because it’s just a matter of typing your text and pressing the Publish button.
You can download Windows Live Writer at windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com.