I’ve been trying to share a 2nd hard drive on OS X for quite some time now. There was no problem sharing the main hard drive, but I couldn’t get the second one to appear on the network. I searched for solutions in Mac books, forums, and chat rooms and it seemed like no one in the world knew how to share a 2nd drive.
It wasn’t until I went to the Apple forums and was told about SharePoints from HornWare. No, this is isn’t the Microsoft Sharepoint application. This is an application for OS X which will easily allow you to share drives and folders on any hard drive in a Mac. It similar to the Finder in OS 9. In OS X, you can only share what’s in the public folder in your home directory. Sharepoints also gives user and group managment, and configuration of AppleFileServer (AFS) and Samba Server (SMB) properties.
This is definitely a tool every Mac user should have. The software is donation-ware and more than deserves payment from its users.
I created a link to the 2nd hard and then it was then able to access it on the network. It was very simple to use and it works!
You can download SharePoints from www.hornware.com/sharepoints.