How to install a .vsix extension in Visual Studio Code.
Many of the extensions in Visual Studio Code need to be installed with an .vsix file that you download. If you try to run the file from the command line, you’ll get this error message:
Install Failed The install of ‘Database Snapshot Creator’ was not successful for all of the selected products. For more information, click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog. Database Snapshot Creator One or more extensions are for Visual Studio Code. Try installing them in Visual Studio Code.

Install Failed The install of 'Database Snapshot Creator' was not successful for all of the selected products. For more information, click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog. Database Snapshot Creator One or more extensions are for Visual Studio Code. Try installing them in Visual Studio Code.


The extensions must be installed at the command line with

code –install-extension extension.vsix

where extension.vsix is the name of the file that you are installing.