Thumbnail caching can occasionally cause problems in applications in Windows, so you may need to turn this feature off. In Windows XP, its very easy to do through Windows Explorer. You go to Tools –> Folder Options –> View and deselect Do not cache thumbnails. In Windows 7, you don’t have this option in Windows Explorer.

In Windows 7, you need to make changes in the Group Policy Editor to turn off thumbnail caching.

  1. Press Windows-R to get a run dialog box.
  2. Enter gpedit.msc and press the OK button.
  3. This will open the Local Group Policy Editor. Go to User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Explorer. Double click the “Turn off the caching of thumbnails …” option.


  4. In the next dialog box, select Disabled and press the OK button to turn off thumbnail caching.


The same procedure is necessary for Windows Vista to modify thumbnail caching.