There is no built-in function in Adobe Edge Animate (Preview 7) to create a loop to repeat an animation. This is useful for ads that need to repeat content.
You can create a loop using JavaScript with the following steps:
- Move the timeline marker to the end of the animation (see below).
- Insert a trigger (press Timeline on menu bar and select Insert Trigger).
- Enter (0); below function(sym, e).
You can’t preview the looping in Edge Animate, but it does work in a web browser.
This doesn’t work for me, I’ve done exactly what it says . Am I going crazy?!
Didn’t work for me either.
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Don’t put in the vertical bar symbol | . Then it will work.
What is the vertical bar symbol?
Totally worked for me…thanks!
Worked for me – thanks!
You are a star! You are the only person who happens to mention that you cannot see the loop in EdgeAnimate but you can in a browser! Being unaware of this is the key reason, I think, why people have this problem. Thank you very much.
Thank you that helped me a lot!
Awesome, this really helped me out.
worked just fine. rare post, easy solution. thanks
Thank you, it works like a charm.
AWESOME!!! Thanks!!
I have tried to make it loop X number of times but cannot get THAT to work. Is there a simple solution? Some variation of this?
for (i=0;i<5; i++) {;
It worked! Thank you for posting! 🙂
I have a looping animation that needs to delay a few minutes when it reaches its end possition, before it starts over again.
Does someone know how may I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks for the tutorial! I’m making a banner in Edge which includes a windmill symbol with rotating blades that loops, the rest of the sequence doesn’t, and it works perfectly.
Dude, awesome!!
Thanks, it perfectly worked here.
Pour les francophones, aller dans Scénario/Insérer un déclencheur et saisir ou coller le bout de code là où c’est demandé dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, fermer avec la croix (pas de Valider ou Accepter) puis enregistrer. Plus qu’à glisser le fichier .htm sur le navigateur et ça marche tout seul !
I just can’t understand why Adobe didn’t integrate such a basic and useful function in Edge Animate at first place, that’s crazy ! It’s so obvious. Even Photoshop includes it for it’s Gif ! Most of the works done in Edge Animate is just useless in so many case without that little piece of code !
Works! Thanks a lot 🙂
Thank you, it works perfect for me!!!! : )
Muchas gracias, funcionó perfecto!!! : )
Well done and thanks.. works nice
Not working, did as instructed…
I spend a long time trying to figure it out but nothing worked for me. This, on the other hand, worked like a charm! Thanks a ton!
Thank you very much for such an easy and completely reliable way for getting the loop action!
Hi, thanks a lot for the solution, really works fine!. I’m so glad!. Greetings from Chile.
works fine for me
Thanks, still works fine!
How can i stop after (for example) 5 seconds this loop?
plase help me
Thanks for posting this, works great for me!
If it doesn’t work you haven’t done it right
Wow! After hours of nothing, this worked in seconds!!!!! Thanx a million!!!!!
a more preferred options to press the go the code( Ctrl + E) and click on the stage, then look for timeline, click on it and look for timeline complete, then click on it.
Then you insert this code just below function(sym,e)…. Adjust as needed
// insert code to be run at timeline end here;