In order for a Mac (running OS X) to communicate with a Windows machine on the same network, it needs to use the same workgroup as the Windows computer. Its not obvious how to change it, but the following steps will show you how to do it.

  1. Open the main drive and then open the Applications folder.
  2. Open the Utilities folder.
  3. Run Directory Access.
  4. Click on the padlock so you can log in as administrator. You won’t be able to modify the items until you log in.
  5. Click on SMB/CIFS and press the Configure button.
  6. In Workgroup, select or type the WorkGroup used by the Windows computers.
  7. Press OK when finished.
  8. Press the padlock to prevent unauthorized users from making changes to these settings.
  9. Close the dialog box.

You should now be able to access the Windows network. It may take a few minutes before the network will recognize the Mac.